Monday 9 December 2013

Annotated Original Images

This creates a positive representation of students by using high key lighting to make him look happy, bright and cheerful. Another way this provides a positive image is with the way he is dressed which gives the impression that he is smart. Another way the image makes him seem happy is with his smiling facial expression.

The image uses high key lighting to give the impression of a bright and welcoming environment. The large number of books in the image suggest that the library contains vast amounts of knowledge. Also, the neatness and lack of mess in the library that it is a nice, quiet place where everything has order and purpose, and students can retreat to and work in when they need peace.

This image uses high key lighting to suggest a bright and welcoming environment. Also the image has the student using the chromebook to do her work  which suggests that the chromebook is superior to the computers and that the students prefer them by choosing to use them.

This image uses low key lighting to draw attention to the computers that suggest the students always have access to the resources they need to complete any outstanding work they may have. The lack of many people other than the one person at the back and the space between the computers suggest that this is a nice peaceful place that students can go and work in and that it is good if you want privacy.

Target Audience Profile

  • Age- 16
  • Gender- female
  • Ethnicity- White-British
  • Social Class- Middle Class
  • Occupation- Student
  • Hobbies- Reading, Cinema/TV, Sports/
  • Current Reading Material- InPress, Q,